
      GENERAL INFORMATION                                                                                                        

Services/Work Description: Development and implementation of the post-TRRC strategiccommunications plan

Employer:                                                  Ministry of Justice

Contract Type:                                         Consultancy, Expert Firm

Duration:                                                   9 months



In December 2017, the Gambia Government established the Truth, Reconciliation, and Reparations Commission (TRRC) through an Act of the National Assembly. The Commission's mandate was to investigate and record impartially the nature, causes, and extent of human rights violations between 1994 and January 2017 and consider reparations for victims. On 25 November 2021, the TRRC submitted its final report, consisting of seventeen volumes, to the President. On 24 December 2021, the Gambian Government, following the Act's guidelines, distributed copies of the report to stakeholders and published it online simultaneously.

The government, through the Attorney General’s Chambers & the Ministry of Justice, initiated a call for position papers from the public regarding the TRRC report. To ensure comprehensive consultation, innovative methods were employed, including direct outreach to traditionally marginalized groups and one-on-one informal consultations with key victim-led organizations. These informal discussions not only provided valuable insights into public expectations but also contextualized the implementation process. Reports, feedback, and position papers received from the public, civil society organizations, victims, educational institutions, and international partners were instrumental in preparing the White Paper which, as a result, reflects a wide array of perspectives from all stakeholders.

Subsequently, the government organized a 2-day National Stakeholder Conference, from 12-13 May 2023 to formally present an Implementation Plan to all stakeholders and partners and to garner their support in terms of resources and funding. The conference facilitated extensive discussions regarding the implementation process while promoting awareness and comprehension of the TRRC findings and recommendations. Addressing challenges and opportunities was also a significant aspect of the conference, alongside fostering collaboration and coordination among stakeholders and partners and providing an essential platform for victims and civil society organizations to express their concerns, needs, and actively contribute to the Implementation Plan.

2.SCOPE OF THE WORK                                                                                                             

The Ministry of Justice and Attorney General’s Chambers seeks the services of an expert communications firm to:

  • Develop a comprehensive communication strategy for the implementation of the TRRCrecommendations,alignedwithgovernmentgoals,emphasizingtransparency,accuracy,andpublicawareness.
  • Develop a 2024 communications workplan base on the communication strategy.
  • Develop a Brand manual, including standard communication template.
  • Support the implementation of the 2024 communication workplan, including covering events and Post TRRC activities (taking pictures, prodcing highlight videos and developing human interest stories) and the production of other audio-visual materials for dissemination.
  • Support the dissemination of key updates through various channels, including online and print through press releases, official statements, social media adverts, radio and television content.
  • Provide tailored communications for key population, addressing unique need and concerns especially victims of human rights violations.
  • Provide local languages, as well sign language interpretation service during official events, and audio-visual productions.
  • Implement a monitoring and evaluation mechanism to assess the impact of communication strategies,including through perception surveys,media monitoring..etc.
  • Gather feedback from the public and stakeholders to refine communication approaches, which shall be reported back to the Steering Committee on the implementation of the TRRC recommendations.
  • Provide communication training and mentorship for MOJ Communication Officer and other post TRRC unit members.



Deliverables / Outputs

Estimated Duration

Approving Authority


A comprehensive communication strategy for the implementation of the TRRC recommendations (2024-2027)

Within 1 month,

in March 2024

Special Adviser on Transitional Justice


2024 communications workplan based on the communication strategy

Within 1 month,

in March 2024

Special Adviser on Transitional Justice


A baseline report on public, as well as victims’ opinions and expectations regarding the Government’s communication efforts on post-TRRC issues

Within 1 month,

in March 2024

Special Adviser on Transitional Justice


A Brand Manual, including standard communication templates

Within 2 months, in April 2024

Special Adviser on Transitional Justice



A compilation of pictures, videos, human interest stories and any audio-visual materials produced in the implementation of the 2024 workplan, including sub-titling

In May, August and November 2024

Special Adviser on Transitional Justice


Event coverage, including local language and /or sign language interpretation services

Every month between March to November 2024

Special Adviser on Transitional Justice


Report on communications training and mentorship provided to the MOJ Communications Officer and other post- TRRC Unit members, including recommendations on knowledge transfer and continuous communications capacity building

September 2024

Special Adviser on Transitional Justice


Report following monitoring of public and victims’ opinions and expectations regarding the Government’s communication efforts on post-TRRC issues, with recommendations on necessary revisions to the Communication Strategy and/or 2024 workplan

In May and November 2024

Special Adviser on Transitional Justice


Final consultancy report on opportunities, challenges, best practices, lessons learnt and recommendation during implementation of the 2024 workplan

November 2024

Special Adviser on Transitional Justice

4.INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT / REPORTING RELATIONSHIPS                                                                                           

The selected firm will report to and submit deliverables to the Special Adviser on Transitional Justice, who would provide guidance and assess the quality of the deliverables. The firm will be required to work closely with members of the Post-TRRC Unit.

5REQUIRED EXPERTISE                                                                                                     

Bidding firms are required to propose a team comprising the following expertise:

  • Writer
  • Editor
  • Graphic Designer
  • Videographer
  • Photographer
  • Producer
  • Translators ( sign language, English, Mandinka, Wolof and Fula)

6.DURATION OF THE WORK                                                                                                             

The duration of this contract is from March to November 2024.


To qualify, bidding firms are required to submit the CVs of each of their proposed team members, who must have at least 3 years of work experience each in their area of expertise, as well as at least, a high school certificate.

A team led must be identified, with the following minimum qualifications, who will be fully dedicated to this consultancy/act at the Ministry of Justice’s focal point with the firm.

a)Academic Qualifications

  • A bachelor's degree in media, film production or communication, or high school certificate with seven years of relevant experience.

b)Professional experience

  • Five years professional experience in an area of specialization (writing, media production,visualjournalism,photography,graphicdesign,editing,etc.).
  • Substantive experience engaging and collaborating with Government, private sector or civil society and human rights stakeholders
  • Similar experience developing result-oriented communication products and materials for private or public enterprises.


  • Communication
  • Working with people
  • Drive for result

d)Language and other skills

  • Strong knowledge of English, including the ability to present clearly and concisely ideas and concepts in written and oral form.
  • Capacity to communicate fluently with different stakeholders, and
  • Computer skills: full command of Microsoft applications (word, excel and powerpoint ) and common interest and design applications will be required.

Important Note:

Bidding firms are required to have the following professional and technical qualifications and only those who hold these qualifications will be shortlisted and contacted. Firms are strongly encouraged to include women, young people and/or Persons with Disabilities as part of their proposed teams.

8. CRITERIA FOR SELECTING THE BEST OFFER                                                                                                             

Upon the advertisement of the Procurement Notice, any qualified and interested bidder must submit a Technical and Financial Proposal. The Technical proposal must include a motivational letter, a proposed methodology to complete this consultancy, and CVs for each of its proposed team members, indicating who would lead the team. The Financial proposal should include the firm’s all-inclusive daily rate based on the expertise of its proposed lead consultant, as well as a detailed breakdown of the hourly rates for each proposed team member.

Your meticulous attention to these details will be crucial in ensuring a thorough evaluation of your proposal. Accordingly, Firms will be evaluated based on Cumulative Analysis as per the following scenario:

  • responsive/ complaint/ acceptable, and
  • Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical andfinancial criteria specific to the solicitation. In this regard, the respective weight of theproposalsare:
  • Technical criteria weight is 70%
  • Financial criteria weight is 30%



Max. Point

Technical Competence (based on CVs and motivational letter)



Criteria A1 (Lead Expert): Evidence of qualifications - A bachelor’s degree in media, film production or communications, or post high- school certificate with seven years of relevant experience.



Criteria A2 (All other proposed team members): Evidence of qualifications – high school certificate.



Criteria B1: Adequate work experience –

  • Five years professional experience in an area of specialisation.
  • Substantial experience engaging and collaborating with government, civil society, private sector and human rights stakeholders.
  • Similar experience developing results-oriented communication products and material for the public or private enterprises



Criteria B2: Adequate work experience – at least 3 years of work experience each in their area of expertise



Methodology – well-structured and written, demonstrating deep understanding of the assignment and local context knowledge



The daily fees of the lead consultant, as well as the hourly rates of other proposed team members in the financial proposal must be all- inclusive and take into account various expenses expected to be incurred during the contract, including:

  • Daily professional fee
  • Transport costs




  • Communications, utilities and consumables.
  • Life, health and any other insurance.
  • Any other relevant expenses related to the performance of service under the contract.



Total Score

Technical Score * 70% + Financial Score * 30%


9.EVALUATION METHODOLOGY                                                                                                    

Contract award shall be made to the bidder whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

  • responsive /compliant /acceptable and,
  • having received the cumulative high score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specify to the solicitation.

Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 70% from the maximum available technical score (70 points) would be considered for the Financial Evaluation. The maximum number of points assigned to the financial proposal is allocated to the lowest price proposal and will be equal to 30. The proposal obtaining the overall cumulatively highest score after adding the score of the technical criteria and the financial proposal will be considered as the most compliant offer.

10.PAYMENT AUTHORITY                                                                                                          

The qualified consultant shall receive his/her upon certification of the completed tasks as satisfactory by the Special Adviser, as per the following payment schedule:

Payment Installment

Deliverables or documents to be delivered

Approval should be obtained

% of Payment


Submission of a comprehensive communication




strategy for the implementation of the TRRC

General and



recommendations (2023-2027); Submission of a

Minister of



2024 communications workplan based on the

Justice certifies



communication strategy.





completion of



Submission of Brand Manual; Submission of Report

agreed tasks



indicating ways in which firm has supported the

implementation of the 2024 communication

based on

which UNDP



workplan from March to May 2024.




Payment Installment

Deliverables or documents to be delivered

Approval should be obtained

% of Payment






Submission of Report on communications training and mentorship provided to the MOJ Communications Officer and other post-TRRC Unit members, including recommendations on knowledge transfer and continuous communications capacity building; Submission of Report indicating ways in which firm has supported the implementation of the 2024 communication workplan from May to September 2024.

certifies payment request







Submission of analytic report on the monitoring of public and victims’ opinions and expectations between March to November 2024, with recommendations on necessary revisions to the Communication Strategy; Submission of final consultancy report indicating tasks completed, challenges and recommendations; Submission of all visibility and communication material produced during course of consultancy in electronic form.



11.CONFIDENTIALITY AND PROPRIETARY INTERESTS                                                                                                             

The Consultant shall not either during the term or after termination of the assignment, disclose any proprietary or confidential information related to the consultancy service without prior written consent. Proprietary interests on all materials and documents prepared by the consultants under the assignment shall become and remain properties of the Attorney Generals Chambers & the Ministry of Justice.

12.HOW TO APPLY AND ANNEXES TO THE TOR                                                                                                                          

Interested firms are to submit two documents, a Technical and a Financial proposal to posttrrc@moj.gov.gm no later than 23 February 2024. Please read section 8 of this ToR for details of what to include in the Technical and Financial proposal.

Interested firms are also encouraged to read the Government’s White Paper on the TRRC recommendations, and its subsequent Implementation Plan, both available for download here: https://www.moj.gm/downloads

This TOR is approved by: Signature:

Date: 2/7/2024

Name and Designation: Ida Persson, Special Adviser to the Minister of Justice on Transitional Justice

Expected Start Date:  March 2024