Who we are
Attorney General’s Chambers and The Ministry of Justice provides indispensable legal services in promoting and protecting rule of law, justice delivery and good governance. On the other hand, the satellite institutions also provide value added legal services to promote and protect human rights, good governance and the rights-based approach to justice delivery. The autonomous partner institutions are non-governmental organizations that are involved in human rights issues that fall under the purview of the Ministry.
The Ministry is headed by the Attorney General and Minister of Justice and deputized by the Solicitor General and Legal Secretary. It currently has the following Departments
- Civil Litigation and International Law Department;
- Criminal Prosecutions Department;
- Curator of Intestate Estate Department;
- Legislative Drafting Department;
- Registrar General's Department; and
- Single Window Business Registration Department.
A credible and model justice system characterized by a decentralized, speedy and accessible justice delivery service that is responsive and accountable to the needs of the Government, partners and the general public; efficient, effective and consistent with the ideals of democracy, good governance and the rule of law; contributing towards sustainable socio-economic growth and development.
To strengthen good governance and equitable justice as a foundation of solid democracy in The Gambia through a cadre of highly trained, versatile and motivated staff that provide responsive legal services supported by adequate resources and strategic partnerships and alliances, with total commitment to the rule of law and respect for peoples’ and human rights.